Sep 12, 2011

Lowest Smoking Rate in Canada

The 2010 Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) report is out, and as per the report, British Columbia has again succeeded in counting lowest in the smoking rates all over in Canada. This is for the 12th year in a row that B. C. has topped this list with 14.3 %.

The survey also highlighted that the smoking rate of B. C. in 2009 was 14.9 % but this figure further reduced to 14.3% in 2010. On an average, Canada has 17% smoking rate, out of which B. C. has the lowest with 14.3%, Ontario has the second-lowest at 15% and the highest rate of 21% was noticed in Saskatchewan.

The maximum fall in the B. C’s smoking rate was noticed among the youth aged between 15 - 19 years, which cited a fall of approx 4.1% from 2009 to the figures in 2010, the lowest rate achieved since 1999. Secondly calculated figures were among the current smokers of age group 25 - 44 years, among which the smoking rates decreased from 21% in 2009 to 16% in 2010. The rate for daily L&M cigarettes smokers aged between 25 - 44 years also went down from 18.5 percent in 2009 to 11% in 2010.

Along with the above truths, survey concluded one more truth that even being counted at the lowest position in smoking rate, B. C still has a large number of deaths and illnesses that occur because of smoking. Averagely, approx 6,000+ British Columbians each year die from tobacco use.

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